
Under Stand Avenue: New Shipping Container Cluster at Seoul Forest

Check out this shipping container cluster that no tourists know about in South Korea!

Photo by Ah Young Kyung, Under Stand Avenue, @manggoos_diary

Love the vibe at South Korea’s first shipping container store the Common Ground near Konkuk University? You may like this shipping container cluster — the Under Stand Avenue 언더스텐드에비뉴 located near Seoul Forest Station (서울숲역) too! This shipping container cluster consists of 115 containers, relatively smaller than the Common Ground, but has much more to offer (if you love everything indie and hip!)

Under Stand Avenue works as a “creative public culture space” that aims to support teenagers, social entrepreneurs, artists and local vendors. The cluster is divided into various spaces, including the Youth Stand, which supports teenagers in job training and employment. Likewise, the Mom Stand offers job opportunities for women, as well as healthy home cooking training to fellow mothers.

youth mom
Left: Youth Stand; Right: Mom Stand. Photo Courtesy of Under Stand Avenue.

The Art Stand plays an important role in supporting the artists, from offering a debut stage, to supporting cultural events. The Power Stand is to assist new startups in starting their own business, including consulting, mentoring, and technical support, as well as a cool co-working space for rent.

Left: Art Stand, Right: Power Stand. Photo Courtesy of Under Stand Avenue.

You may find interesting products and designer goods at the Open Stand and the Social Stand. Open Stand is a platform to showcase products from young and talented designers, as well as artists’ work. I found a really comfortable designer shoe label by two young ladies, and their tailor-made shoes are simply amazing. I am thinking of getting a pair or two for myself soon!

Left: Open Stand; Right: Social Stand. Photo Courtesy of Under Stand Avenue.

The Social Stand, however, is a space where the community sets up social entrepreneurs’ trade fairs, and farmers’ markets, with the aim to introduce eco-friendly products and lifestyle products that “make a difference in life”. I got my mum some handmade soap made from organic kale, lettuce and basil from Farmplayground 동구밭. The packaging, price and product are all up to satisfactory.

Photo Courtesy of Under Stand Avenue.
Photo Courtesy of Under Stand Avenue.

I was there on a weekday afternoon. It was a little quiet compared to Common Ground, but the majority of the visitors were local. What I like about this place is that it is not only about attracting foreigners and making an extreme profit out of it but a comprehensive space that serves various purposes from buying local, to workshops, events, exhibitions and even education, which makes the space brimming with charm.


Similar to Common Ground, most of the restaurants and cafes are located on the 2nd-floor terrace. I didn’t dine in there as I have plans elsewhere. Overall, this is a very local space to check out and support, if you’re up to visiting a new place in Seoul. It gives off some sense of local uniqueness, which I find very attractive. It is definitely a trendy place to visit in Seoul in 2017!

understand avenue spring event

The community takes an effort to organise various events each month. You may check out their official website below at the contact details section below for event listing. They do not have the info in English though, the English tabs will give you a certain idea of what’s going on there.

understand avenue at night
A peek into the night view of the shipping container cluster. Photo Courtesy of Under Stand Avenue.

Writer’s Note: Under Stand Avenue has garnered attention through word-of-mouth among Seoulites. If you love discovering indie designer brands and are looking for an off-the-beaten-track kind of travel itinerary in Seoul, you should definitely include this!

The cluster compound isn’t too big so you may spend about 30 minutes to 2 hours here (considering if you’re doing some shopping + coffee time). There’re also various markets, exhibitions and performances here depending on the season.

I’ll recommend you stop by before or after visiting the Seoul Forest which is famous for its Cherry Blossom in Spring or just check out the nostalgic and beautiful Seongsu neighbourhood, where the hipsters of Seoul are currently hanging out at.

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Seoul Forest during the cherry blossom season. Photo Courtesy of Under Stand Avenue.
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Spring Itinerary Idea: Take away lunch box from Under Stand Avenue and picnic under the cherry trees in Seoul Forest. Photo Courtesy of Under Stand Avenue.

Contact Details:

Under Stand Avenue 언더스텐드에비뉴
63,Wangsimni-ro, Seongdong-gu, Seoul (Bundang Line K211 Seoul Forest Station, Exit 3)
서울 성동구 왕십리로 63 (성수동 1가 685-704)


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